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Flu vaccine is an annual vaccination given usually around this time of the year
(October) as intra dermal or intra muscular injections according to the manufacturing company.
The influenza virus changes constantly due to genetic mutations, thereby the vaccine needs to
change to adapt to these changes annually. Therefore taking the vaccine once in your life is not enough
to protect you for a lifetime but would protect for the coming autumn/winter flu season.
This vaccine is safe for most people aged six months and above, even pregnant ladies.
However, people with specific medical conditions should consult their physician before taking the vaccine.
FAQ: Should I give my child who suffers from recurrent attacks of sore throat the flu vaccine?
Most throat infections including pharyngitis and tonsillitis start as viral infections, thus vaccination helps
reducing the number and severity of these attacks.
It is prudent however to wait two weeks to give the vaccine after an acute infection episode.
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